Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Beginning of the Year

Hey all! See below for two emergent reader printables..."School Tools" and "Silly Shapes". I. am. so. tired! You forget how much training Kindys need!! The bathroom, lunch, bus dismissal, recess line ups. We are 3 days in and doing ok. I've already started getting the kids used to rotations for literacy time. We made this cute Clifford and that's about it. Add to it I'm moving into my new house in about a month. We are planning on camping this weekend but the hurricane may drown us out. Our school is doing a Daily Five book study this year and many of our teachers are doing it in their classrooms this year. I'm on the fence. I've decided to do the book study and observe a couple of my Kinder and First Grade colleagues to see the Daily Five in action but right now I like what I do!!! Anyone else feel this way or is struggling with this? Do you do the Daily Five? If not, why not? My neighbor teacher started it and she already loves loves loves it.

School Tools Printable Emergent Reader

School Emergent Reader

Silly Shapes Printable Emergent Reader

Silly Shapes Emergent